Clinic environment
Renee’s clinics overall have 7 items in Phase 1 and 18 items in Phase 2 that need improvement.
Here are some goals to have your supervisors focus on:
equip all private rooms with status indicators
utilize the television appropriately
make water visibly available for clients
link the WIC material QR code to the WIC shopping guide
link the WIC material QR code to the WIC cookbook
keep a small filing cabinet in each guest room
maintain confidentiality by keeping doors closed during conversations
utilize a rolling cart for each certifier
display three or more wall hangings in each guest room
install interactive floor items for children in guest rooms
Work on getting Phase 1 and Phase 2 targets up.
Focus on improving clinic efficiency, layout and safety.
There are no vacancies right now. Nice job!
Customer satisfaction
In September 2023, the customer satisfaction score was worse than average for Renee’s clinics.
Agency-wide, Renee’s clinics brought the average for Dallas County clinics down. Keep working!
Over the last 18 months, the scores for Renee’s clinics have increased overall. Over the last 3 months, the scores have increased on average. Based on past trends, the scores are predicted to increase next month, so work hard to make that come true!