Sandra's clinics
Number of October 2023 participants: 18,772
Clinic environment
Sandra’s clinics overall have that need improvement.
Wonderful work! You and your employees are a WIC superstars!
Nice job getting Phase 1 fulfillment above 90%! Work on getting Phase 2 targets up.
Sandra’s clinics are strong in communication. There aren’t any particularly weak areas—keep up the good work!
Consider hiring 4 clerks and 1 certifier and 2 supervisors to meet staffing needs.
Customer satisfaction
In September 2023, the customer satisfaction score was better than average for Sandra’s clinics. Good work!
Agency-wide, Sandra’s clinics brought the average for Dallas County clinics up. Nice!
Over the last 18 months, the scores for Sandra’s clinics have increased overall. Over the last 3 months, the scores have increased on average. Based on past trends, the scores are predicted to fall next month, so work hard to beat the odds!